We visited
Battleship Cove in Fall River MA. as a part of the Highland Foundation's Free Fun Friday exhibit. I have toured the battleships before when I was a kid but this was the first time for Chris and the kids. It was extremely hot on the battleships. The reflection of sun light on the the deck made it feel like you were walking on the sun. I thought my face was melting! Then we went below deck and it was like any amount of air was sucked out of the room. This is why we only toured one ship. But the ship we did tour was a lot of fun. We got to see many of old military memorabilia and how these WWII ships where like. It really made you think.

My husband said he was surprised at home much they actually let you go through in the ship. It was the larger ship so there was plenty of hallways and rooms to go through. Just as you think you have seen it all you come across another hatch door and a ladder going down yet another level. You could climb into the guns on the main deck area. Chris and Morrigan went into the large gun in this picture. It was too hard to climb up with Freya so I stayed with her.

The front half of the ship had the captain's chair which Morrigan had to climb up on to sit. Many of the displays were not that unique for Chris and I but for Morrigan, it was very different than it is today. Phones with cords on them? What's a type writer? There was so much for Morrigan to learn about the technology let alone the experience of the battleship and its workings.

Morrigan was able to climb onto a gun on the side of the main deck. It was great that Chris explained to her how the gun would shoot off multiple rounds and how it moved to target things like plains flying over. Chris showed her how to a solider would target the planes and fire multiple rounds. I was surprised Morrigan was tall enough to actually fit. Some areas were a tight squeeze which made you wonder how grown men where able to navigate the ship. Can't imagine what it would be like if they were being fired upon and having to scramble to their stations inside some of these guns. It was kind of funny watching my tall, mildly out of shape, husband crawling into these areas with Morrigan. I didn't even dare try. I'd break my back! I used the baby as an excuse to get out of the more difficult areas to get into. Shhh.... Do tell my husband. *wink,wink*

Even Freya got to experience how it would be to sleep on a battle ship. I wore miss Freya most of thetime, It would have been impossible to take a stroller through most of the ship since the way you got from one level to the next is all ladders. She slept most of the time in the wrap. She woke up when we stopped at the cafeteria on the USS Massachusetts. The crowd of people sitting in the only public air conditioned room was crazy. But that sweet cool air was great! We cooled off and drank some water before taking off for the front of the ship.I highly recommend this exhibit. It was a great chance to explore something that otherwise, a person might never get a chance to in their lives. It was a great time, an educational experience, and it was something that brought a sense of pride and respect for those that sacrificed so much for us. At the gift shop Morrigan picked out a Air Force teddy bear since we have had many members of the Air Force in our family.

After we left the Battleships we took a walk through of
The Marine Museum. There were so many amazing models of different ships on display. They did a great job offering crafts and games for the kids. As we left they handed out ceramic models of the Titanic.
If you are interested in taking a tour at Battleship Cove or the Marine Museum, click on the links provided for information. And don't forget to check out the list of the Highland Foundation's Free Fun Fridays for more free events going all around Massachusetts. To see what it coming up, click on the link to view my previous post about
Free Fun Fridays.
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