Miss Freya is 3! Its amazing how much Freya has changed but the very core of who she is will never. She is such a fun loving, adventurous, courageous, child that knows what she wants. Our Disney trip was a prime example of how adventurous this little girl is. Where Morrigan was always glued to my side, Freya went running through busy Main Street in the Magic Kingdom with her hands clasped in front of her running at full speed.

She is such a different kid that it's like becoming a new parent all over again. I had no approach parenting in a completely different way with Freya. She is passionate about what she loves, which is mostly all things Disney. This girl thinks she is Elsa! When meeting Anna at Epcot she was asked if she had ice powers, my husband and I just looked at each other and laughed. She answered exactly how we thought she would, by confidently saying yes, of course I have ice powers. Then she twirled her hands around like young Elsa does in the movie and she saw sparkling magical ice the rest of us aren't privileged to see. Her world is bright with wonder, her imagination is like a blooming flower I hope never wilts.

As I type this, she is on my lap, dressed as Anna, eating Pez, asking a dozen questions about what I'm doing. She will repeat thing over and over until you repeat it back to her to make sure you really understand her. This girl does not like being told what to do. Her stubbornness knows no bounds. You could be giving her exactly what she likes, food, candy, toys, whatever the case might be. But if she is not asking for it, she wont accept it. When she does get what she is asking for, she is the most grateful child imaginable. I've seen the girl become ecstatic over a hamburger. Imagine, she is sitting at a table waiting patiently for a hamburger. I put the plate in front of her, she takes a loud, long inhale then yells, "My burger! Thank you Momma! Thank you so much! I love burgers! Thank you!" It makes me so happy to see her happy.

What makes her most happy is her sister. Her father and I are second to her sister as her favorite people in this world. As much as they can argue, nothing makes Freya more happy than having sister time. It could be anything from her sister playing Barbies with her or her watching her sister play her Xbox. Freya cries every morning her sister leaves for school and when her sister leaves for dance. The times Morrigan goes with friends, that's so much worse. She melts in front of the door and cries from being left behind. She things she is 11 too and no one really has the heart to tell her she isn't. Luckily, Morrigan has some pretty great friends that will include Freya often. But preteen girls don't want toddlers around all the time and Freya is too young for her own friends.
Three year old Freya is going to be fun. Her little body will be able to keep up with her big heart and ever expanding mind. All those things last year she was just too little to do will not be so difficult this year. This year will be more climbing, more jumping, more running, and more adventures. I look forward to tried afternoons from chasing my ambitious little girl with the desire to do everything. Look out world, here comes 3 year old Freya!
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