If you are looking for information on memberships at the Museum of Science Boston here is a link to the Museum Membership page.
Also, if you are a part of the Old Colony Library Network, simple go to the website and reserve your museum passes with your library card number. Library museum passes include Boston Children’s Museum, Massachusetts ParksPass, Museum of Fine Arts, Mystic Aquarium, New England Aquarium, South Shore Children's Museum, and Zoo New England. Starting in May, the Plimoth Plantation is also offered. Note that the New England Aquarium is only offered in day in which school is in session so no summer discounts are available for the New England Aquarium.
Our favorites ("our" meaning my family. I, on the other hand, am petrified of it.) exhibit is the butterfly garden. It was great watching Morrigan get excited when she saw a different type of butterfly. Freya also enjoyed herself but I think mostly she wanted to put every butterfly in her mouth. In fact she tried to eat a tree while we were there. Chris had to pull it out of her hands.
I have a fear, okay, maybe not a fear but rather a general dislike of things with wings, more so insects with wings. I can handle large birds of prey, they are rather intelligent but fluttery things make me want to run. I am most afraid of moths. I think this stems from growing up in a house that the front porch used to be completely covered by moths at certain times of the year. After leaving the house after dark I would have moths up my pant legs and in my hair. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl...YUCK! So you can imagine how difficult it is for me to walk through a butterfly garden. I did it the first time and the woman working in the exhibit assured me butterflies are not like moths, they fly around you rather than at you. Which seemed to be true and it brought me great comfort the next 4 times that I went.
This last time, I called her a liar!

Yes, the biggest butterfly in the room landed on my hand. I nearly peed my pants. I held him there while I was sweating bullets so a gentlemen could take a picture of his wings open. I did it in the name of good photography which never happened by the way. While his little fuzzy body tickled my hand every hair on my body stood on end.The guy with the camera waiting for the butterfly with the brilliant blue inside wings to open up said the worst possible thing to me. He said that it was a moth not a butterfly. I nearly passed out right there but Morrigan whispered to me that it was in fact a butterfly. I love having an intelligent kid. Even if she was wrong (which she wasn't) she always knows what to say to make her very anxious mommy feel better.

We also took in the lightening show right when Freya feel asleep. The noise would of been way too loud for her anyhow so only Morrigan and I went. It would of been Chris and Morrigan if she was awake as I am nervous leaving Freya since I'm her only source of food. It was shorter than usual but still just as fun. The Lightening Show at the Museum of Science Boston has the world's largest air-insulated Van de Graaff generator. The show talks about conductors, insulators, electricity, magnetism, and storm safety. They even place a volunteer in a cage and hit the cage with bolts of electricity. The indoor lightning storm is so loud and sudden it usually causes at least one person in the audience to scream.
We left after spending 3 hours in the museum. Morrigan clutched a snow owl she got at the gift shop the whole car ride home and Freya ate the wing of her stuffed butterfly she got at the gift shop the whole car ride home. Chris and Morrigan both ate their space ice cream in the car. Chris also got a gyroscope as well. He opened it up as soon as we got home. Morrigan and Chris sat down at the table and played with it like two little kids. I got a straw cup with the logo on it. I needed a new one after my Bruins one fell out of the cupboard and broke, I'm practical like that.
We are already planning our next visit in 8 weeks. There is so much of the museum we haven't seen yet. Morrigan and Chris plan on doing these virtual reality machines that strap you in and you are enclosed in a capsule that turns and twists. It shows you a roller coaster and mimics the turns and loops like you are really on it. We also want to take in one of the Planetarium shows but we want to buy a sound reducing head set for Freya since babies at her age have such sensitive hearing. There is just so much you can do at the Museum of Science in Boston, I can't wait to go back!